You know those days you just want to throw the towel in on diabetes? Well...I hope you never feel that way...I also hope you don't have diabetes...but on another note..
THIS WAS MY word....UGH!
Much has changed in my diabetes care recently. I made the switch to the OmniPod and I have mixed reactions.
I had seen the OmniPod a few years back, but I couldn't deal with how big it was. When the new smaller design came out I decided to give it a go. The idea of always having insulin, instead of "unplugging" for showers or swimming really appealed to me. The lack of tubes has been great, and I no longer fear door handles. I do have new fears now. At first, I couldn't get the pod to stick, much like my previous experiences with my Dexcom. IV Prep sucks and doesn't actually work, but Dexcom had recommended Skin Tac which has been a life saver.
Thankfully that's not too much of an issue anymore. My skin still hates pretty much anything I put on it. Now that the pod sticks, I find it super itchy (same with my Dexcom)
Here is my pod with the embarrassing marks of my scratching. My dad and boyfriend keep saying I need to put cortisone cream on it, but I don't find that it helps.
Here is additional proof my skin just doesn't hate still hates my Dexcom. I keep doing this to myself though because the information it provides is invaluable.
If anybody has any recommendations that isn't cortisone cream please let me know!
Lastly, I've been having HUGE issues with the pods malfunctions. Today in my Evidence class, the pod/pdm made the worst noise EVER. High pitched and super awkward. Thankfully class was almost over. I hate when pods fail because you loose so much insulin! grrrr I then changed not one, not two, BUT THREE PODS that all had the same issue....the cannula didn't insert!!! GAH!!!!! This is seriously not something someone needs to deal with. Of course the next step is to call tech support...Omipod is FAMOUS for having HORRIBLE wait times. I will say I was on hold for 15 minutes, which to me, is pretty bad. Their website states they are aware of this problem due to the high demand of the product...I believe it's because they have a problem with hiring enough people to be able to handle all the failed pod calls.
That's my rant for now.
PHEW! I can't believe it's already so far into summer. I just finished my first year of law school, and I seriously can't believe I actually made it.
This has been the most challenging academic situation I have ever been in. Once again though, life wouldn't be normal without diabetes trying to pop its head into my life.
Last semester during my finals, I had kept a juice box on my desk, just as I have been doing for the ten years plus that I have had diabetes, as if for whatever reason I went low, I could just sip some juice and be on my merry-test-taking way. As these were my first law school finals, I was EXTREMELY nervous as I had never just typed through a 4 hour test before. I had no idea what to expect, and the last thing on my mind (sadly) was my diabetes. Pulling the juice box out of my purse, and placing it on my desk, invited a barrage of questioning from the test procter. They told me juice was not allowed on my desk, only water. I was so embarrassed, as all of my colleges were watching nervously, wondering why I was being harassed over JUICE. I was so angry and embarrassed, but I knew I just had to stay calm and focus on my tests.
Immediately after that test, I went home and researched what protections I had. My parents have always had an off hands approach to my diabetes care, so I never knew of all of the state and federal laws that protect us as diabetes. First, I was shocked to learn that diabetes is technically considered a disability. Then I found the beauty of a 504 Plan, and other tools that could help me on test days.
Check here to learn more about a 504 Plan.
As someone who has had diabetes for many years, I STILL hate asking people for help when I'm low. I don't want to be someone who, "takes advantage" of the system, but after I received the proper documentation, I was able to have juice on my desk during my next test, and thankfully I didn't even need it! :)
On another note, I have a new obsession and her name is Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. I cannot believe I didn't know that Supreme Court Judge has T1!! Diabetes Forecast Magazine just did a GREAT interview with her, that I highly recommend. For my younger readers, I recommend clicking here to learn more about her.
A constant theme of my blog is how sometimes we can feel so alone, but just hearing of all the esteem people in our world who face the same issues as I do, who also keep tubes of glucose tabs in various locations, who learned to practice giving shots to themselves in the hospital, the initial signs of getting diabetes...all of these stories help us all connect and remember, we truly aren't alone. We have every opportunity to take this card we've been dealt and still be able to achieve all of our dreams.
I look forward to completing more of my own. :)

Likes: cookies, cake, candy, insulin Dislikes: diabetesWe have very similar interests!! This thoughtful gift really got me thinking...I spend a lot of time thinking about how much I hate diabetes, and how it is a negative thing. But when she gave this to me, I smiled. Diabetes doesn't always have to be thought of that way. Here it took my friend to give me a stuffed pancreas, that is FOR SURE more usual than my current one. You can get your own HERE.
It has been an interesting past few days to say the least...
A couple of years ago, I found out I was allergic to Colgate Total.
The last time, I was in Florida on my Disneyworld vacation, and I had taken along a travel size of this toothpaste...well a few days in and it looked like I had thousands of blisters in my mouth...super fun...anyway, you would think something as scaring as that I would remember.
Well, I guess I'm super smart and forgot and used it again! Of course this time, RIGHT BEFORE I left for New York. at least this time I realized I was having a reaction within a day of use. My wonderful mother forced me to go to urgent care, but of course I didn't want to go since I have to see enough doctors as is. I'm sure you can guess who won...
I get to the urgent care and immediately they say I am having a severe allergic reaction. THANKS! I mention I have type 1 and they give me steroids. I have heard they raise blood sugars, but I was getting on a flight the next morning and didn't want to feel crappy on my trip.
I think it is safe to say I would considered myself a pretty smart person. Let me write out these directions for you on the steroids.
In other news, before I left I ordered this wallet/diabetes supply bag. I'm really excited about it and here is a coupon for their site.
As a girl with type 1, I really appreciate when my diabetes supplies can be cute, stylish and functional.
I will let you all know how I like it!.
I can't believe I didn't mention it earlier! Skin tac is my dexcom HERO! My sensor stays on PERFECT -AND- there are no skin irritations. Dexcom should seriously look into including these in their packaging because I was a very unhappy customer until these. Thanks everyone for the tips!!!
Time for me to go enjoy NY now!

Take 1 tab 3x a day for 2 days, then 1 tab for 2x a day for 2 days, then 1 tab a day every day for 2 days.ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I had to read that AT LEAST 6 times before I got exactly what I was supposed to do. Anyway, here we are in New York, day two of these lovely steroids and my blood sugars ARE NOT HAPPY. NOT ONE BIT. They just DO NOT want to come down. It seems most Type 1's have this type of reaction, but it's not making me a happy girl. At least I have my dexcom here, letting me know I'm high all day. I just upped my basal and hopefully some walking in the freezing cold here in New York will help. I can't believe at home it is 80 degrees, and here it's in the 30's!! YEESSH. But seeing my brother is worth ANY temperature. View from the hotel of the Empire State Building :)

It's like Christmas morning for someone with Type 1! I got a whole bunch of new stuff and let me tell you, I really do think that new technology makes me more motivated to stay in control. Just goes to show you how many people are working hard to make my life easier and better.
First off, my Dexcom G4 arrived! I got pink :) What do you think?
So far so good! This is probably the worst as far as calibration goes, and it wasn't too bad. Compared to the Medtronic sensor, which I was very unhappy with their accuracy.
Medtronic also very kindly sent me a new meter! This works wireless with my pump, and it lights up! That is why I switched over to the Verio because I was tired of having to turn on a light when I was in a dark room. I am loving this meter! I love the size, and the fact that I can make notes, (which I also had with my Verio), but the wireless transmission is soooo nice!!
As much as I love my Dexcom G4, I can't get it stay on! I know i have sensitive skin, but this is a picture after one day of use. The sensor itself is great. I just wish my skin didn't hate it!
Any suggestions??
Wow! Hello blogging world!!!!
I know...I has been forever since I've last written.
Time for a massive update. You will then understand the lack of writing.
I quit my job and I am now in LAW SCHOOL!!! You read right. I am loving law school for all of the crazy hard work it is, and I am learning so much.
But before I went to law school, I went on the trip of a lifetime to Asia. Specifically, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
July 2012
It was so beautiful, and I had ZERO diabetes type problems! I was so happy. Three weeks and everything was fine.
Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, was literally the most beautiful place I've ever been before.
The countries were so beautiful, and the people were so wonderful. I really would love to go back again.
Cambodia was my favorite country overall, with Vietnam a close second and Thailand was my least favorite, though still amazing.
Here I am on the island on Ko Samet, in Thailand. It was my favorite part of Thailand, along with seeing the elephants in Chang Mai.
November 2012
I walked, as usual, in the Walk to Cure Diabetes. At least the weather this year was much better, as it was sunny and not rainy. I didn't raise as much money as I did last year, but it was still a success. :) I also got two clubs that I am involved with at school to donate to my walk to cure diabetes team! Together alone they donated over $500! It was so great to have my law school's support. Sometimes it can be so lonely having type 1 diabetes, but then you remember all these wonderful people who are behind you.
One of things I I really like about the walk is that you can meet with all the companies that have new products out. I am considering switching to a dexcom sensor after meeting with them. Has anyone made the switch from Medtronic to Dexcom? Although, I saw that Medtronic is coming out with a new sensor when I did a video shoot for their website! I just really love having one device with all my information on it...
December 2012
It was such a fancy day!! I was interviewed for Medtronic, and I was treated like a princess. I even was given hair and makeup! ooooo....
I had no idea it was such a big deal. A Representative from Medtronic called me saying they remembered me from my blog post I wrote for them and they wanted to interview me.
They gave me a tour of the headquarters, including showing me their museum, which included the first insulin pump!! How crazy is this?? It's so big!
It was so fun, and of course I will try to keep you all updated with where it will be posted or what not.
I recently went wine tasting in Temecula and look to my surprise!!
Of course I gave them some money! How could I not???
Obviously it's gorgeous there, not to mention the wine wasn't bad either ;) Though, my blood sugar didn't like it too much...
I am sorry it has been so long my friends. I really want to write more often, as I have many more diabetes related stories to share.
Please keep reading!!!
I've missed you all!
What is the Promise to Remember Me Campaign?
The JDRF Promise to Remember Me Campaign asks Members of Congress to "promise to remember" those affected by diabetes when making decisions regarding diabetes research.
JDRF's Outreach Manager in Los Angeles contacted me and asked if I would meet with Congresswoman Karen Bass to ask for her support of JDRF and diabetes research as part of the Promise to Remember Me campaign.
This campaign is important as it develops the relationships between federal legislators and JDRF advocates. This year, the focus is on research for diabetes, in particular the artificial pancreas.
To learn more about the artificial pancreas, here are two great videos from CNN.
"'Bionic' Pancreas Gives Patients A Break"
"Artificial Pancreas Is A Game Changer"
The only way, as of now, to have access to the artificial pancreas is through clinical trials. Being chosen for one of these trials seems harder than winning the lottery! I have continually signed up, but to no avail. Although, the FDA is stating that this Artificial Pancreas should be available to homes in five years. A glimmer of hope! The Promise to Remember Me meetings are necessary in order to get the proper funding from the government so more people can have these types of technologies available to them. When I get to try out the Artificial Pancreas, the first thing I will do is drink a smoothie! The whole thing. And not the light kind with Splenda. As of now, I would never do that. That is unless I wanted to visit the hospital.
I felt very honored to be chosen to attend this meeting. It can feel so helpless as a person with Type 1 Diabetes just waiting for a cure or the next best technology. It is events like the Walk to Cure Diabetes and these meetings that make me feel like we can create a difference. It was meetings like these that got the contiguous glucose monitoring system on the map and I hope we can push for more technologies that will improve the lives of everyone with diabetes.
The event was very educational. I felt so insignificant in a room full of educated and important people. Yet, Congresswoman Karen Bass was personable and kind. Representing JDRF was the Outreach Manager who contacted me (Her husband is a Type 1 Diabetic), a Nurse (who also was a Type 1 Diabetes) and myself. After she spoke beautifully, there was a long line to speak with her. Once we got to the front of the line, she made us feel like we were the most important people in the room. Her eyes were full of warmth and she listened to our every word. Here is a picture of us showing her our pumps and me giving her my card for this blog.
Right after this photo, Congresswoman Bass told us that her mother had Type 1 Diabetes. As sad as it is to hear that another person has diabetes, it's also nice to know we have someone in congress who understands our struggles and is on our side.
She had agreed to support us, and that promise was captured with this photo.
The most powerful portion of the evening though was in meeting Albert (far right). He was the person who had invited JDRF to this event. Albert told us the very sad story of how his son, a type 1 diabetic, at ten years old, had passed away due to a diabetic coma. Our eyes filled with tears as he told the story. I often forget, how life can literally slip away from us so easily. He stressed the importance of taking care of ourselves and how he wanted to become very involved with JDRF in his son's memory.
There is no sorrow like the loss of a child. Any time I hear of a death due to type 1 diabetes, of course I get scared and I am reminded of how serious this disease is. In honor of Albert's son and all the others, we MUST make a different and we MUST fight.
You can help by clicking ‘Continue NIH Research like the Artificial Pancreas’, asking you to send an email to your Members of Congress and remind them of the important contributions the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) has made towards diabetes research.