The DL
Last post I talked about having side effects from taking Victoza. Luckily, the site First Life Research reached out to me and informed me about their site. I must say, it is very helpful. Not just for diabetic medications, but for any medication. Thought I would let you all know in case you had similar questions as well.

I fail on my JDRF Walk team...I know I need to put it together, but I cannot decide if I should do LA or Orange County's walk. Usually my team is just my family and boyfriend, who all live in Orange County. The Walk in LA is at Dodgers stadium, which is very exciting, but parking etc is more difficult and then everyone would have to come here...hmmm Once I decide on that, I also need a name!! Any suggestions?!?!

Decisions, decisions.....


I also haven't been as good with testing lately. I know...I know...I was doing so well!! I need to get back on track. It has just been hard with everything going on. Do you have tips to keep on top of testing etc. while life seems to demand all of your attention?

With everyone starting school, is seems that stress levels are rising and we all know that isn't good. So I plan on breathing a little extra and getting on top of my testing again.

Hope you all had a great labor day!!
3 Responses
  1. Coming from AZ, both the LA and Orange County locations sound awesome to me! Tough decision!!!!

  2. Unknown Says:

    Good luck with the walk. Little Pricks? OK, maybe too "dirty". Low Down for the CURE? I dunno. I always just go with Beta Buddies ~ LOL.

    Either location will be fantastic. Good luck with testing more. xo

  3. Hang in there girl! I have heard some great things about Victoza but it can be a rough ride.
    Which walk is more fun?? Sounds like you need a break and fun so go with Reyna's risky team name and enjoy.
    How to test more? I can nag you as well as my son if you like :) Okay not realistic but I hope you find a way to get back on track. For mean, testing means data and I LOVE data but I am not the one being lanced.

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